Our Community

We are steadfast in our commitment to caring for our local communities and establishing deeply rooted connections with our neighbours.

person placing food into a box along with others in the background

Empowering Our Community

We are steadfast in our commitment to caring for our local communities and establishing deeply rooted connections with our neighbours.

person placing food into a box along with others in the background

Our Community Investments

Our Community Investments

Children sitting at a table enjoying their school lunches, smiling while holding apples and sandwiches, with lunch trays and snacks in front of them.
Logo Nourish to Flourish with Farm Boy Logo
Children sitting at a table enjoying their school lunches, smiling while holding apples and sandwiches, with lunch trays and snacks in front of them.
Four girls walking together with their arms around each other, wearing colourful backpacks and walking down a school hallway.
Four girls walking together with their arms around each other, wearing colourful backpacks and walking down a school hallway.
Collage of images showing a woman distributing food in front of a Second Harvest truck, a man holding a box of leafy greens, and a crate of fresh broccoli
Logo Second Harvest
Collage of images showing a woman distributing food in front of a Second Harvest truck, a man holding a box of leafy greens, and a crate of fresh broccoli.
A collage of the farm boy aprons and picture of a kid holding broccoli in this hand.
Logos Cooks Who Feed and Second Harvest
Cooks Who Feed logo and Second Harvest logos above a photo of Farm Boy apron and a boy holding broccoli
An image of a mother and her child smiling at each other.
Logo Family of Support
Family of Support program logo at the top and below that is an image of a mother and her child smiling at each other.
Image of kids sitting at a table and eating their lunch from containers and cups.
Logo of make tummies happy and below that is an Image of kids sitting at a table and eating their lunch from containers and cups.
Holiday Food drive logo in partnership with Feed Ontario. Image of a red truck with loads of produce to be donated to a food drive.
Logos Holiday Food Drive and Feed Ontario
Holiday Food drive logo in partnership with Feed Ontario. Image of a red truck with loads of produce to be donated to a food drive.
Image of a girl jumping up with her arms in the air.
Logos Jump for Boost and Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre
Image of a girl jumping up with her arms in the air.

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